While people will give you all kinds of ideas for things you can do inside your home to get it updated, you need to remember that the exterior is just as important. Here are some exterior improvements that can help you get the most out of your home now and when you eventually sell it.

Update the Siding

If you have vinyl siding that goes up the front of your home for a few feet, you should consider switching that out for a stone veneer. It will bring your house out of the dark ages into the modern world. The best thing is that most experts suggest you could recover upwards of 90% of the cost when the home is sold.

Add Exterior Space

You may have considered removing an extra wall to increase the space inside your home, but have you considered adding a floating rooftop deck or an elevated backyard deck to your home? People used to congregate on front porches, but that is mostly a thing of the past. A spacious deck with seating and perhaps a barbecue grill can make your home the place to gather. Decks also have a high ROI.

Replace the Doors

If you have an old wooden front door or your garage door has seen better days, you should consider replacing them. A new steel front door will improve the energy efficiency of your home and that is appreciated by home buyers.

If your existing garage door opener is in great working condition, you can reuse it with your new door. A new garage door will really update the look of the house and make your home look newer. The cost of both doors is expected to be nearly completely recovered

Break Out the Paint

If you have a good front door and don’t want to replace it, you should consider painting it. You may want it to match any shutters you have on the outside of the windows, so paint those, too. If it matches your new garage door, that can work, although many people like to paint the front door bright or bold to help it pop. Paint is one of the least expensive materials you can get to make a big improvement, so consider that if you have wood siding or any other areas that look dingy. Be sure to use a pressure washer to clean the entire house before you apply paint.

Whether you are updating your home for yourself or in preparation to sell it, there are many improvements you can make that don’t have to break the bank.